Kingdom of Artemisia

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Geographically, the Kingdom of Artemisia covers Montana, southern Idaho, most of Utah, and western Colorado and Wyoming. It became a Kingdom in A.S. XXXII. It was originally part of the Principality of The Outlands, but reverted to Atenveldt when Outlands became a Kingdom in A.S. XXI.

The baronies of the Kingdom of Artemisia are:

The shires of the Kingdom of Artemisia are:

Kingdom devices

Person or group Image
King Same as kingdom
Populace badge File:Artemisia badge.png

See Also

Official site

SCA Kingdoms

West | East | Middle | Atenveldt | Meridies | Caid | Ansteorra | Atlantia | An Tir | Calontir | Trimaris | Outlands | Drachenwald | Artemisia | Æthelmearc | Ealdormere | Lochac | Northshield | Gleann Abhann | Avacal