Canton of Abertridwr

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The Canton of Abertridwr (Welsh: meeting of the three rivers) is the SCA group that covers the southern areas of the Barony of Aneala in the Kingdom of Lochac.


Abertridwr was apparently formed as a Canton, in about July 1988 (A.S. XXII), with Harek Ulfhednar as the inaugural Seneschal (source - .

The Canton of Abertriwdr went into hibernation in about 1994. Whilst defunct, the area it had covered belonged to the Barony of Aneala. In 2004 it was revived as a group.

As of the official announcement made at court by Morwenna, the Baroness of Aneala, on July 11th, 2004, at the "Tourney of the Dragon", the Canton of Abertridwr is alive once more! Huzzah!

The King-that-was went under the hill at the meeting of three rivers.
There they say he waits, sleeping, until the time of his people's greatest need, 
when he would come again.
Awake O King, for that time is now! 
I call upon ye now O sleeper to rise, rise, rise! 
Summonst thou pencampwr and blow the horn of the red dragon! 
There are lands to conquer a plenty and merry times to be had! 


Annual Event: Pencampwr Gan Abertridwr, a camping event during First Weekend in June

External sites

Abertridwr Website: