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Strongholds in the SCA
A stronghold is an institutional branch of the SCA based at a military installation. It is similar to a port or a college, which are the other two forms of institutional branch.
Strongholds require:
- At least 5 members.
- At least 3 officers, including a Seneschal, an Exchequer, and one of the following: a Herald, a Marshal, or a Minister of Arts and Sciences. Local branches are encouraged to fill all the latter positions.
- A name registered with the College of Arms.
- Consensus among members in the area favoring establishment of the proposed branch.
The territory of such branches is defined in terms of affiliation with the institution where they are based, not in terms of physical boundaries. Institutional branches may report directly to a kingdom, but if their institution is located within the borders of a branch of any other class, they report through that branch. They differ from other local branches in that they go dormant if membership falls below five (5), rather than being disbanded.