Mayden Lane

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Mayden lane is a dance from Playford's Dancing Master.

Steps and Movements Used


This dance starts with three couples facing up the hall, one after the other.

First Verse

Holding customary hands with partners, do a double forward, then a double back again. Repeat.


First Chorus

Men facing up the hall, women down, do a double left. Turn back and do a double right to original positions. Repeat.
Set and Turn left. Set and Turn right.

DL, DR (men up the hall then back, ladies down the hall then back)
DL, DR (men up the hall then back, ladies down the hall then back)

Second Verse

Couples to sidings left with each other. Repeat to the right.


Second Chorus

Facing partners do a small double backwards. Do a large double forwards to change places. Repeat.
Set and Turn left. Set and Turn right.

DLb, DR (away from partner, then past to change places)
DLb, DR (away from partner, then past to change places)

Third Verse

Couples to armings left with each other. Repeat to the right.


Third Chorus

The top man and second woman cross. The top woman and second man cross while the bottom couple cross. Passing right shoulders, each crossing should be done as a double. The first man (who is now second) crosses with the bottom woman. The first woman crosses with the bottom man while the second couple (now at the top) change places.
Set and Turn left. Set and Turn right.

Go back to the first verse and repeat a further two times.


The music is usually played through either three or nine times.