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"Tristran and Iseult" is an Arthurian romance story. Several versions of this work exist from the 12th century when it enjoyed a period of popularity. Few versions older than the 12th century remain.

There are two main streams of versions of this tale - the courtly and the other. The courtly is about pure love and courtly ideals, while the other versions have more humorous incidents, and focus slightly more on sex than knightly love.


  • "Le roman de Tristan / B�roul" Herman Braet (trans), E. Story-Scientia, Gand, 1974.
    • Claims to be a complete modern French translation.
  • Alan S. Fedrick(trans), "The romance of Tristan; and, The tale of Tristan's madness; translated together for the first time", Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1970, ISBN: 0140442308 .
  • Norris J. Lacy. (trans) "The romance of Tristran", Garland, New York, 1989, ISBN: 0824087771
    • A pleasant reading version with academic introduction (Tiff)
  • A. Ewert (ed) "The romance of Tristran, by Beroul. A poem of the twelfth century", B. Blackwell, Oxford, 1939-70.
    • Notes state that this contains the French text, followed by an English commentary (not translation)

Anglo-Norman poet Thomas' version

to be added