Rostiboli Gioioso
Rostiboli Gioioso is a 15th Century Italian Dance which appears in seven different manuscripts. It is classified as a ballo.
This dance is performed by two people, a man and a woman.
Steps used
- sempio left and right (SL and SR)
- doppio left and right (DL and DR)
- ripresa left and right (RpL and RpR)
- mezavolta right (MzvR)
- saltarello left and right (SlL, SlR)
- voltatonda right (VtR)
- movimento (Mov)
- Starting together, holding hands, both perform a ripresa left and ripresa right together. Dropping hands, the man then departs with two sempi and a doppio. He then performs a doppio as a mezavolta to turn and face the lady. Both perform a ripresa left and a ripresa right. The man then returns with two sempi and a doppio, and finally performs a doppio as a mezavolta to turn and stand beside his partner.
- The dance then repeats from the start, however this time the lady performs as the man has done.
1-2 RpL, RpR (together)
3-4 SL, SR, DL (man)
5 MzvR (with a doppio right to face partner)
6-7 RpL, RpR (together)
8-9 SL, SR, DL (man)
10 MzvR (with a doppio right to stand next to partner)
11-12 RpL, RpR (together)
13-14 SL, SR, DL (woman)
15 MzvR (with a doppio right to face partner)
17-17 RpL, RpR (together)
18-19 SL, SR, DL (woman)
20 MzvR (with a doppio right to stand next to partner)
- Taking hands again, the couple advances with two sempi and three doppi. Dropping hands then two sempi and a ripresa as a voltatonda (ie in a full circle over their right shoulders). Taking both hands the couple perform a ripresa right and a ripresa left. Repeat this section.
21-24 SL, SR, DL DR, DL (advancing together)
25-26 VtR (with two sempi and a ripresa)
27-28 RpL, RpR
29-36 Repeat 21-28
- The couple advance with sixteen saltarelli.
37-52 SlL, SlR, SlL, SlR, SlL, SlR, SlL, SlR, SlL, SlR, SlL, SlR, SlL, SlR, SlL, SlR (16 saltarelli)
- Dropping hands, the man performs a movimento, then the lady performs a movimento, and the man performs a doppio forward. Then the lady performs a movimento, the man performs a movimento, and the lady performs a doppio forward to join the man. This section is then repeated.
53 Mov (man), Mov (woman)
54 DL (man)
55 Mov (woman), Mov (man)
56 DL (woman)
57-60 Repeat 53-56
The original notation says that the riprese in bars 27 and 28 should be quick, but riprese done at normal speed fit to the music.
Reconstructed by Conrad Leviston, Tiffany Brown and Paul Harrison.
Other reconstructions
Four part arrangement needed.