Fighting Households of Ealdormere
The Fighting Households of Ealdormere are six large households in Ealdormere which provide a large number of fighters to her army at the Pennsic War. These Houses include House Blacksword, House Fettered Fleur, House de Taahe, House Hrogn, the Marine Guard, and the Ealdormerean branch of the Rozakii.
Traditionally, these Houses fight as units, wearing tabards or surcoats bearing their household arms, to the exclusion of all other arms. In some cases, particularly noted warriors wear tabards with personal arms and household arms quartered.
However, in A.S. XL, King Aaron of Ealdormere issued a request at his coronation directed specifically at the Fighting Households of Ealdormere, encouraging them to make and wear tabards bearing the Kingdom's arms in time for the Pennsic War.