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Corta is a 15th Century Italian Dance which appears in eight different manuscripts. It is classified as a bassadanza.
This dance is performed by two people, a woman and a man.
Steps used
- sempio left and right (SL and SR)
- doppio left and right (DL and DR)
- volta del gioioso right (VdgR)
- continentia left and right (CL and CR)
- ripresa left and right (RpL and RpR)
- mezavolta left and right (MzvL and MzvR)
- voltatonda right (VtR)
- The dance begins with the man in front of the woman. They perform two sempi and a doppio, followed by a volta del gioioso. They then perform a mezavolta so that the woman is now in front. They then perform two riprese, left and right and two continentie. The couple then repeat this from the start, and the man should once more be in front of the woman.
1-2 SL, SR, DL
3-4 VdgL
5 MzvR
6-7 RpL, RpR
8 CL, CR
9-16 Repeat 1-8
- Taking right hands, the couple circle with two sempi and a doppio.
To be continued
Reconstruction by Conrad Leviston.
The original music does not survive.