Middle Ages
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Life in medieval Europe
- arts and cultural life
- literature
- poetry
- dance
- architecture and sculpture
- European music
- the troubador
- murals and paintings
- tapestry, and handicrafts
- books, manuscripts, scribes and the art of making books
- universities
- monastic orders
- mendicant friars
- Black Death and health of populations
- politics and religion
- everyday life in the Middle Ages
See also:
- warfare
- fortification
- siege weaponry
- Inquisition
- European music
- dance
- Pilgrimage
- Romanesque Architecture
External Garb Links
- One theory on how to make a bliaut and one of the better methods - http://bliautlady.50megs.com/
- The clothing index for Marguerie's Pages - http://jauncourt.i8.com/costume.htm
- Some Extant Clothing of the Middle Ages - http://www.virtue.to/articles/extant.html
- Some clothing of the Middle Ages, includes many sketches - http://www.personal.utulsa.edu/~marc-carlson/cloth/bockhome.html
- Marc Carlsons' Excellent site. Goes up until the end of the 16th century - http://www.personal.utulsa.edu/~marc-carlson/shoe/SHOEHOME.HTM
- Comparative study of Extant garments relevant to East Denmark - http://www.forest.gen.nz/Medieval/articles/garments/garments.html
- Robin Netherton's excellent work on the gothic fitted dress - http://netherton.net/robin/
- Another way of making kirtles - http://sca-garb.freservers.com/articles/corikirtle.html
- Ten gore dress from Herjolfnes - http://sca-garb.freservers.com/articles/cotehardie.html
- Summary of WOmen's Cotehardies - http://www.loudzen.com/users/jessica/cotehardie/index.html