The Great Duck

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The Great Duck

The Great Duck is a (lighthearted) mythological figure tied closely to the College of St Christina the Astonishing, that takes the form of a giant duck. Legend has it that the deity-like figure will come to St Christina in the college's hour of need. Collegians pay their respect to the Duck by quacking at appropriate moments (after court, or whenever the College or ducks are mentioned), or by doing anything else generally associated with, or involving, ducks.

Summoning Ritual

The most common Summoning Ritual practiced is known as "Duck Duck Goat", and was first attempted at Inter-College War XXV. The "duck duck" refers, of course, to The Great Duck, and the "goat" is a reference to the College of Blessed Herman the Cripple, who is associated with goats through their mascot Fred the Fire Breathing Goat of Doom.

How "Duck Duck Goat" works is a lot like the game of "Duck Duck Goose". Summoners sit in a circle, with one person who is chosen to be 'in'. Traditionally a small rubber duck is placed in the centre to be a vessel of The Great Duck should They chose to appear, but this isn't necessary if no small duck is on hand. The person who is 'in' walks clockwise on the outside of the circle, touching each person on the head as they pass, and saying "duck". Eventually, they choose someone and say instead "goat". Then the person named "goat" jumps up, and attempts to chase the person who's 'in' around the circle, still clockwise. If the person who is 'in' manages to sit down in the 'goat' person's spot, that person is now 'in'. If the 'goat' person manages to catch the person 'in' however, they may return to their spot, and the person 'in' must try again from the beginning. The game then repeats in this fashion.

Note: The Great Duck, nor the followers of The Great Duck, are liable for any injuries caused by attempting to summon it. Play at your own risk.