Cryspes (recipe)

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Period Recipe

From the Forme of Cury.

Take flour of pandemayn and medle it with white grece ouer the fyrer in a chawfour and do the batour þerto queyntlich þurgh þy fyngours. or thurgh a skymour. and lat it a litul quayle a litell so þe þer be hool þerinne. And if þer wilt colour it wiþ alkenet yfoundyt. take hem up & cast þerinne sugur, and serue hemforth.


  • Cryspes. Ms. Ed. No. 26. Cryppys, meaning Crisps, Chaucer having crips, by transposition, for crisp. In Kent p is commonly put before the s, as haps is hasp, waps is wasp. V. Junius. V. Happs, and Haspe, and Wasp.
  • chawfour. chaffing dish.
  • quentlich. nicely.
  • a litul. Dele.
  • quayle. an cool?