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The term Lady is used as an honorific for woman to indicate that they or their close relative has rank, often being a peer. In modern England, a woman is called a Lady if she is a marchioness, countess, viscountess, baroness or baronetess, if their husband is a knight, baron or baronet or if their father is a duke, marquis or earl. It can also be used for the wife of the younger son of a marquis or earl.

Hence, you could refer to the Baroness of Outerkeep, Lady Catherine or the wife of Earl Snowdon can be referred to as Lady Snowdon.

A Lady of the SCA

In the SCA, it is the title given to a woman who has been given an Award of Arms. It is also commonplace to refer to any woman at an SCA event as "my lady" or "m'lady" but that implies no rank.

Alternate titles

A persona with the title of Lady may wish to use one of the following alternate titles.

Language Alternate Form
Albanian Z�nj�/Bujare
Arabic Sayyida
Catalan Senyora
Czech D�ma
Danish Fru
Dutch Gebieder
Estonian Leedi
Finnish Rouva
French Madame
German Herrin
Greek Kuria
Hebrew Rebbah
Hungarian Asszony
Icelandic Hefdharfru/Hefdharkona
Irish Gaelic Bantiarna
Italian Signora
Latin Domina
Middle Norwegian Fru
Old English Hlaefdige
Polish Pani
Portuguese Senhora
Romanian Doamn�
Russian Pomestnitsa
Scots Gaelic Baintighearn(a)
Spanish Se�ora/Do�a
Swedish Fru
Turkish Hanimefendi
Welsh Arglwyddes/Bonesig/Boneddiges

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See also: